The Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center


National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders 



​Quick Facts:

  •  At any given point in time between 0.3-0.4% of young women and 0.1% of young men will suffer from anorexia nervosa

  • Males represent 25% of individuals with anorexia nervosa, and they are at a higher risk of dying, in part because they are often diagnosed later since many people assume males don’t have eating disorders.

  • Binge Eating Disorder often begins in the late teens or early 20s, although it has been reported in both young children and older adults.


LifeGrowth Psychological Services

Resources on Eating Disorders that we recommend:

Remuda Ranch: an inpatient treatment facility 

National Eating Disorders Association



Note: The resources and information on this page are meant for general information  purposes only.

Lifegrowth is not responsible for the information or claims made by these resources.

Eating disorders are very complex, involving the

body, the mind, and a person’s relationships. At

Lifegrowth, we seek to work in an interdisciplinary

fashion, coordinating care with family physicians,

nutritional professionals, exercise professionals,

and psychiatrists who work from a functional

medicine perspective where possible. This enables

us to address all the impacts eating disorders have

on the body whereas any one approach would be

much less likely to be successful in the long term.

Eating disorders create extreme nutritional deficiencies which throw off all of someone’s brain chemistry and it becomes a vicious cycle that is self-reinforcing. In the case of some eating disorders, the brain keeps telling you not to eat and the less you eat, the more your brain continues to tell you not to eat. The body needs to be gradually built back up again to achieve healthy brain chemistry. At times, a person’s family can also reinforce feelings of shame that the individual feels which can then continue and reinforce the need to stop eating. Also, eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental health disorder, so it must be handled with great care.

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